Bedroom Storage

Bedroom Storage

Your bedroom is your inner sanctum, and because it gets little through-traffic, it tends to be the place where you accumulate clothes, books, magazines, shoes….yet clutter is the last thing you want in your private space, here an orderly atmosphere is needed to help you to sleep.


“Before you let anything into your life, you have to let something go” – the feng shui saying is only common sense. So before rushing off to buy a new wardrobe, take a good look at what it is to contain. Anything you can’t remember when you last wore, or that you never felt comfortable in, will have to go. Now you can reward yourself with the prospect of new storage.


Freestanding or fitted wardrobes and drawers, trunks, chests, and baskets are  useful and good-looking. Store shoes in drawers under the bed, or in hanging canvas caddies. With bedroom storage sorted, you can sleep easy.











Put jewelry and makeup in decorative boxes or baskets with lids, to keep the dressing table tidy.

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Written by: <br> Kasa Adbhuta
Written by:
Kasa Adbhuta

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